Russian Christian brides and their advantages
A Christian Russian bride has a lot of pros:
- She is humble. She won't be insolent or nasty. These women are modest.
- She is chaste. Most of Christian Russian brides haven't had a lot of partners. You will be the only one for her.
- She is kind. She will take care of you, your kids, pets and relatives. These women try to be helpful.
- She is loyal. Christian women don't accept cheating.
- She is beautiful. Russian women have natural beauty, so you will be proud of your bride.
- She is intelligent. Russian Christian women spend a lot of time learning something new. You will never be boring with her.
Dating a Christian Russian bride for serious relationships
Tell her about your intentions. Don't try to fool your girlfriend. If you don't want anything serious, find a woman who won't be so religious.
Don't forget about nice surprises. Christian Russian women love gifts and flowers. Show her you are a caring and affectionate man and she will love you.
Respect her views and desires. Even if you don't believe in God, don't laugh at her. Be nice and understanding. Don't start religious arguments, because they will lead to quarrels only. Besides, don't forget that Christian Russian women are intelligent and intellectual. They know all about their religion, so they will definitely win the argument.
Some moments of Russian Orthodox Christianity

There are no prohibitions for Russian women baptized in Russian Orthodox Christianity to marry with members of other confessions. In the whole Orthodox doesn't dictate anything concerning the family life. The main advice from religion is – to love each other.
Nevertheless, none Russian Orthodox priest will allow the mystery of a glans for the pair if it has no documents about official marriage. It's made specially for the interests of people and following the law. Christian singles dating anyway must be official.
Russian Orthodox Church uses Julian calendar which has a difference with standard Gregorian about 13 days. That's why in Christian family members of which belong to different confessions one of the problems is – dates because celebrations and periods of fasts are different. One of the ways to solve this problem – to change confession for one of the couples.
Meeting Christian singles is about learning to say 'No' and saving sex and intimacy for marriage. A Christian can only date another Christian, or this relationship is potentially unacceptable.
Last Updated: 01/13/2025