The best ways to say hi to a beautiful woman

The Ways to say hi for Meeting a Woman

There are a lot of interesting ways to say hello when we meet someone in dating apps. Unfortunately, we rarely put them into practice. As a result, people ignore our attempts to get to know them closer.

How to say hi a girl? There are a lot of ways, for example:

  • Hi! You are very cute!
  • Hi! Your eyes are astonishing!
  • Hi! I'm really interested in you, can I ask you out?

Today many men and women prefer long online conversation. How to be successful in them? How to find a way to stand out amongst the boring interlocutors? The best recommendation is to start the conversation with sparkling words catching people's eye.

Different ways to say hello in texting in 2024

Different ways to say Hello in Texting

The first greeting means a lot. The sincere handshake expresses trust and friendly feelings, shows you are genuinely interested. It can tell us about a person a lot of information. Sometimes it's better than thousands meaningless words.

There are a lot of ways of greeting our interlocutor. It depends on how we are close with them, our cultural and national features. The ways to say hello include not only handshakes, but also different kisses, hugs and patting the shoulders. We can do it in an innocent or more passionate way.

When it comes to texting, we are limited by our phone or computer. We can't approach a person we like and kiss them. Despite this fact, there are a lot of original ways of greeting in texting. You can use them when looking for brides online and chatting with a lot of girls. They include different pleasant words and compliments that we add to a formal and strict word 'hello'. Tell her she looks unimaginable, add a couple of nice words about her pictures in the profile. Start the conversation with something unexpected or provocative. She will be surprised with your resourcefulness and outside-the-box thinking.

Show yourself and stand out of your little comfortable world

The first introduction is the most important part. It's obvious because a girl may not know about your existence. She is not obliged to talk with any man on a dating website. Enter her zone of attention. Over time it will help to break any psychological barriers between you. For this start you don't need to be very original. You can say just: 'I'm Frank. It would be nice to chat with you, I see we have a lot of in common'. A polite woman will answer this message without fail!

Saying hi

It's your second step. Be aware that many women will great you just out of politeness. The reason is the big amount of men on dating websites. However, this automatic reaction will allow you to continue the conversation. This simple and banal word gives you a chance to think about what to say next. If a woman doesn't answer your hello message, don't take it too personally. Repeat your attempts with another, more sociable girl.

Clarify the situation for a small talk

Your hello text message can be more profound and meaningful. If you notice an incomprehensible quote in her profile or her information about herself causes a couple of question, you will have a right to ask about it. It will help to make things easier and to maintain the dialogue. It's risky to express your thoughts with too flowery and difficult language or talk about specific topics like globalization or precise sciences. Your sensitive interlocutor can take it as a mockery. Start discussing easier topics, for example about her plans on these weekends or favorite movies. Who knows, maybe after that you will manage to ask her out and have fun together!

Give compliments

All women love compliments. They help them to increase the self-esteem, to feel their importance and beauty. You hello message can include one or two compliments following the introduction. On the other hand, a false praise won't be effective, it causes only the repulsion and irritation. Say something that goes from your heart. You can tell about her cute smile or gorgeous dress, emphasize her bright long hair. All depends on the appearance of your lady. Be moderate and don't overdose with compliments. Otherwise a woman will start take it for granted. But at the same time don't act like a lost buddy, be more confident and brave.

Cute ways to say hi in a text message

Let's talk about how to make your text message cute and funny. Once flirty conversation started, try to relax and to be yourself. Act natural for a nice long conversation.

Use Playful Nicknames

There are a lot of funny ways to attract a woman. You can use a cute nickname, for example, a pet name or a name of your favorite movie hero. She will definitely ask what it means and you will explain it.

Ask Funny Questions

You can start a conversation with a funny question about her daily routine or about a cute print on her shirt. But be careful and don't make a joke about her appearance.

Don't Be Too Annoying and Verbose

Stop thinking about numerous subjects and exquisite compliments. Better be laconic to create the best impression. Don't monopolize the conversation and let a girl talk about herself. You can send photos and send videos but don't tell anything personal at the beginning.

How to say hi in different ways in 2024

How to say hi in Different Ways

Choose the method that will be effective on a dating website. Remember that something one woman likes can be annoying for another girl. You will have to be a good psychologist to figure out her mood and intentions. Read some examples that you can use from time to time to get Slavic women dating.

Look into her eyes during the video session

Nowadays most people prefer to set up a video date before a real meeting. It's reasonable since there can be anyone near the computer monitor. That's why it would be useful to talk with lady in a videochat. During this session try to look into her eyes. It's a nice way to express your interest to her. A long eye contact creates trust and make us be opened for another person. If a girl avoids this contact, probably she tries to hide her true intentions. On the other hand, there are a lot of shy women who don't like long and attentive glances. It confuses them and makes feel uncomfortable. That's why even if a girl is beautiful, try to look at other things around you from time to time.

Pay attention to her body language during your video chat, it will give you a lot of information. If she is shy, you can make a joke or just give her a smile to break the ice. Control your body language as well, don't use a lot of gestures and act naturally.

Discuss things that surround you

Funny ways to say hello in 2024 can be easy and natural. Being original is not as difficult as you may think. After you introduce yourself and exchange nice compliments, start discussing things that you see. It works both during the real date and the chat in the Internet. If you see her picture in an unusual and beautiful place, catch it! Ask her if she likes to be in these places, with whom she prefers to travel, what's kind of clothes or make-up she has on the photo. If you are on the real date, everything is much easier. Discuss an unusual monument or sculpture, try to talk about passers-byes, tell something interesting about menu in a restaurant. All these petty things make you sociable and communicative.

Clarify your common interests

Even completely different people have something in common. Do you want to keep your communication in a brisk and colorful way? Then you should think about your interests and hobbies. Ask her if she likes going to the gym or walking in the park? Tell something interesting and informative about the last book you have read. Discuss a movie that you both have seen. If your relatives or close people have similar hobbies, you can mention about it. This way you will unroll your conversation smoothly and effortlessly. By the way, you can ask about the main interest in her life instead of standard greetings. It will be the way more original and nicer. Many sociable girls will tell about their activities and goals with pleasure. Some of them like brag about their achievements. Use this soft spot for maintaining the conversation!

Intrigue her

How to say hi to leave the mark in her heart and mind? Be miraculous! Women love men with a lot of pleasant secrets. You can replace your boring hello with an intrigue. Write her that you have seen her somewhere. Underline that you were impressed by her beauty. Say that you know something interesting about you. Don't confess what it is for a long time. After her several attempts of guessing, reveal this secret. You can say that she is the most beautiful person in the world or add another nice compliment. It will make her smile and stand by your side for sure!

Make a girl feel sorry for you

Women are people with empathy. They are full of compassion and kindness even towards strangers. Also, they are perfect at giving advises related to personal relationships. Make up the situation where you have argued with your sister or mother. Tell a girl you can't find ways to apologize. Add that you are feeling really bad because of that. You will see that your new interlocutor will give you the best recommendation. Moreover, there is a strong likelihood she will want to continue the conversation to support you in the future. You can pretend you caught a flu or another not very serious disease. She will definitely feel sorry for you. The next step after this feeling is falling in love. Don't overdose it! If you play on her sympathy all the time, it will look like fake. These men cause only irritation. Remember that Slavic women like strong and confident partners who are able to protect them.

Ask her about her activities after your meeting

Even if a girl hasn't consent on a romantic date yet, you must constantly hint at this possibility. Some women are crazy about brutal and insolent men who are confident about their success. Ask her what she is doing after the meeting with you. She can't keep silent after this pushy behavior! From time to time you will face the rejection if you use this radical method. In particular it's actual if you chat with feminists who don't like bossy men.

Best way to say hello on a dating site

Best way to say Hello on a Dating Site

There are different ways to say hi to a woman who attracts you. Some of them can be flirting or friendly, some of them have sexual subtext. We will give you some recommendations that will help you to start the conversation in the most elegant way.

  • Underline her beauty. A lot of women are convinced that their beauty is the most powerful tool. Don't dissuade them. Tell something about the unusual shade of her eyes or her wonderful skin that you want to touch. Don't make these compliments too sexual and spicy if you have met this girl several seconds ago. You can spook some sentimental and modest ladies.
  • Share some unexpected facts with her. There are a lot of funny ways to say hello in text, this is one of them. For this introduction you will have to read some useful information in the Internet. 'Did you know that ants can recognize themselves in the mirror? '. This curious fact will be interested for any person, that's why you have a right to expect her comment. Remember: your facts shouldn't be too boring and tedious. If you start bothering her with something from a difficult science, you can't catch her attention.
  • There are numerous ways to say hey to a girl that you like. Ask her about the first date. Don't concretize anything. Don't beg her to go on a date with you. Just ask what a girl prefers to do during romantic meetings, what kinds of dishes she likes in restaurants. Ask about her favorite flowers. You will look like a romantic man in her eyes. After these questions you can effortlessly ask her out.
  • Ask her about the most significant event in her life. This profound question will be suitable for every woman, it can be used instead of the formal greeting. Memories is a crucial part of our lives. Let them be exposed! She can tell you about the best travel in her life, meeting with a wonderful person, getting a pet who was very important for her and other nice things. Share your memories with her and your conversation will become more personal!
  • Use emoji. This is a simple way to make your chat less formal and boring. Nowadays different emoticons help us to express our feelings when chatting. Sometimes it helps to show the emotions and to avoid misunderstandings. You can smile her or send virtual kisses that indicate you interest. Don't abuse this option. A short message filled with a lot of emoji will cause irritation only, besides, it will be difficult to read it. Some psychologists say that a lot of emoticons in text messages is a sign of an infantile person. That's why be moderate and think about the quality of your messages.

How to say hello to a girl via video

How to say Hello to a Girl via Video

Some people prefer video sessions before a real meeting. They are useful for the safety of both parts. Besides, this way will help to evaluate the appearance and manners of a lady. How to say hello if you see each other? Read some recommendations that protect you from making mistakes.

  • Smile. People likes amiable and kind men. If you show up in front of the monitor with the gloomy face, it won't be attractive at all. Your smile should be light and natural. Keep in mind that you are chatting with a beautiful girl, not visiting a job interview.
  • Use your articulation. A person who is sitting immovable causes a lot of suspicions and looks simply strange. From time to time you can make different gestures that will help to make your greeting and the next conversations more emotional and livelier. Be moderate: a lot of gestures will expose you as a nervous person.
  • Be observant. Did you notice a nice picture or a toy on the background of her room? Tell her about it. Ask the details of this thing and smoothly switch the conversation to her preferences and hobbies. This skill will be improved every time you are chatting with a girl. Over time you will be able to start a conversation even with the most silent person. Don't lose your communicative abilities and use dating apps for improving your eloquence.
  • Don't judge her. The most important rule of meeting with another person is the absence of criticism. Even if you don't like her dress or she put tasteless make-up, hold back and try not to notice it. Most people are very sensitive when it comes to their appearance. Even if you don't really like a girl, finish the conversation politely.

Why women don't answer the greetings on dating websites

Why Women don't Answer the Greetings on Dating Websites

Did you send her 'hello' and faced the silence? It's a typical situation for dating apps. The first reason of it is the absence of sympathy. Sometimes it happens that women don't like us. Don't be upset about it. You will find a nice person who will be interested in you. Take you time and keep chatting with other beautiful girls!

Another reason of this behavior is popularity. The experience shows a woman gets no less than 20 messages from different men on a dating website. She doesn't have enough time to read them all! That's why your greeting should stand out amongst other boring 'hello'. Use different ways to attract a woman and you will meet a woman for building strong relationships!

Women can be busy. Some of them have an important job, raise their children and meet with friends. It's ok when she spends only a couple of hours on a website. If you notice your conversation is getting feeble and you have to wait for her answer for hours, invite her to another platform. It can be Skype or a social media. If you chat for several days and she still refuses to give you these contacts, be careful. This woman can have a husband or a regular partner who wouldn't like these conversations.

A woman can keep silent because she isn't real. Unfortunately, you can face numerous fake accounts on dating websites. Some of them are scammers, some of them are girls who offer you having sex for money. If you greet this woman and tell with her about healthy relationships, she will barely answer you.

Thus, the first greeting on a dating app is the most important part of your conversation. Don't be neither rude nor banal, try to write to different girls and be attentive to details. It will help you to be successful in your search of a close and supportive person.

Getting Acquainted to a Beautiful lady: Tips & Tricks

Getting Acquainted to a Beautiful Woman

It's as easy as pie:

  • Make sure your clothes and fingers look neat (surprisingly, women pay much attention to it);
  • Don't try to behave humorously if you know you are bad at it;
  • Be prepared that a woman ignores you for the reasons you cannot predict (and it's not our fault).

Saying Hi to a Beautiful girl Is Not Troublesome

How to say hi to a girl

How to say hi to a girl? Have a look at the guide created by one of our teammates.

  • If I'm walking towards a woman in my daily life, I smile.
  • If she catches my eye and smiles back, she is likely interested.
  • At this point, it would be appropriate to say 'Hi!' or 'Hey! How are you?'
  • I speak slowly and concentrate on looking into her eyes instead of glancing away.
  • If she can maintain eye contact and react positively, it means I have good communication skills.
  • She will be pleased and interested by my presence.

I feel my face reacts to her reply with a silly grin. It's an expression of 'I am happy to see you.'

I believe there is nothing wrong with smiling at random people in this situation. It may be an unsaid rule, but everyone would be happier if they smiled back at those who were smiling at them. Smiles are free – and even just the smallest amount can make a difference.

So, don't hesitate to smile at people who pass by you on the street. The best way to say hi to a girl is to start with a smile and direct eye contact.

If she reacts positively, keep the conversation going longer by asking questions about her and showing interest in her answers.

Last update: 05/11/2024