How to Date Canadian Women: TOP Tips

Canadian Woman

Is there anything special about dating Canadian girl dating? Are there cultural peculiarities or anything else concerning the background and social aspects? If you're asking yourself a question like this, you are already on the right way to happiness with a Canadian lady. In this article, we are planning to concentrate on the peculiarities of a certain age group popular among the majority of single men looking for partners online. Our focus group is limited to young women under 30.

There's a list of things you should consider obligatory while trying to build a relationship with a woman from Canada. Everything starting from their makeup choice and finishing with the behavioral patterns s important. Here's what we have to say about the portrait of a Canadian girl basing on the opinion of men who's already been in a relationship with a Canadian lady. Is it easier than with the russian girls for marriage?

Meet a Canadian Woman: Character Peculiarities

Meet a Canadian Woman

What Are Canadian Women Like? Comfort Is Crucial for Them

It's connected with many spheres of life but it's especially noticeable in their approach to clothing. A Canadian girl prefers comfort over trends. There's nothing wrong with her vision of the world – she knows what fashion is, and in most cases, has a couple of trendy things in her closet to wear on special occasions. Nevertheless, in her usual life, she would rather choose sports pants, a beanie, and a simple-looking jacket.

Wearing a dress for her is usually connected with a special occasion. When a woman wears a dress in public in Canada, most people will get surprised. The dress is acceptable for graduations or anniversaries. Except for special events, Canadian women prefer wearing flip-flops, sneakers, comfy soft trousers, and hoodies.

Note that a dress is not a casual thing to wear in Canada. If a Canadian looks feminine and properly groomed on a date with you, she might have invested a lot of effort in her look.

The majority of Canadian women don't care about fashion and designer labels. They can't care less about shopping for new clothes. Of course, it's not a universal truth for women belonging to different social levels. If your lady belongs to high society, she pays special attention to the way she looks, at least on the basic level. We're also sure that Canadian women from the higher and wealthier social circles rarely go online in search of their love and destiny. If we speak about the younger generation of Canadians, women in their twenties and thirties pay less attention to clothing in comparison to the representatives of the ones in their forties. Younger women feel fine wearing leggings or joggers regularly, combining it with a hoodie, a neutrally-looking jacket, or a fur coat.

It's entirely the other way round with the Ukrainian brides, because they tend to dress up even if there's no occasion. They've got long artificial nails and tons of make-up. They still believe that artificial beauty makes a woman feminine, which is not true, of course.

It's All About Natural Beauty

The natural beauty of Canadian girl dating is often combined with many quirks that can be unpredictable for men from Europe. Let's start with the non-essential, but basic things you should remember.

  • Cosmetics. They are not interested in the use of cosmetics or use beauty products in rare cases. They do not consider make up an essential element of femininity. They will pay more attention to doing sports or healthy eating rather than applying lipsticks, powders, mascara, and more. Nevertheless, they are fond of adding color to their nails, painting them in all tints of the rainbow.
  • Hair. Regardless of how cold Canadian girls treat makeup, they do demonstrate an interest in changing the hair color to anything available. Young girls are fond of dying their hair in many colors at once. Sometimes it looks scary or strange, but it has no connection with the character and education level. These women are merely interested in looking peculiar and unpredictable.
  • Body modifications. Women under 25 in Canada feel comfortable about the modifications of their bodies, which is positively treated by the local men. Piercings in the eyebrows, noses, multiple piercings in the ears, or anywhere else are normal. There's a wide range of tattoo and piercing studies available for the young generation of females ready to show off their creative attitude to their bodies. They are also fond of tattoos of different types and patterns, and there are no exact trends concerning the inscriptions and pictures on the skin surface.
  • Perfumes. Canadian girls are very polite when it comes to personal space. That's the reason why they don't use perfumes very often. Of course, they never let themselves stink, taking regular morning and evening showers. Nevertheless, they don't use perfume if they have to spend hours in a limited working area. Violating personal space is inappropriate. They do use perfumes but on special occasions.


European and Canadian men identify two types of Canadian girls. It can be explained from the cultural and geographical points of view. They are the French Canadians and Anglo-Saxon Canadians. French Canadian girls are regarded as cute, feminine, and very natural thanks to their plain manners and open-minded behavior. French Canadians are also often curvy, which can either be an advantage or a disadvantage to some men. Besides, many of them cannot speak fluent English, which can be a trouble for an English-speaking man from the USA. The younger generation of Canadian girls from its French area is very appealing, but unfortunately, many of them ignore healthy living and forget about being active enough. In senior age, a lot of them get plump and even more. Thankfully, the majority of women looking for men online are willing to move abroad or to more developed regions of the country to become healthier, more beautiful, and more productive.

The Anglo-Canadians are also very peculiar. They are often slim or well-built, striving for sporty looks. They are often natural redheads with fair skin and innumerable freckles. Of course, there's a percentage of women looking as plump as the French Canadians. Nevertheless, the appearance often depends on the financial aspect because healthy eating and regular sports are not always available to anyone with a low budget. Besides, there's a big number of people of other nationalities who have already managed to mix with the natives, which resulted in a visually appealing population.

You should also understand that the things we say here are based on the impressions of the other men from Europe and the United States. Being curvy does not mean being unhealthy, and looking thin is not always about living well. The best tip to try is to collect some money and get abroad to move around the country, see people, and get in touch with the local culture. Only this way you'll understand whether you find Canadian girls appealing for dating or not.

What Is It Like to Date a Canadian Single Woman?

Canadian Single Woman

Many men dating women from Canada for the first time accept that they are more sociable and contactable. They are not as shy and reserved as the Slavic beauties, and tend to live within the social norms of the developed European world. Of course, Canada is a modern, developed country, but its inhabitants are a way better in some matters comparing to the ones of Eurasia. Here's what most men will find enjoyable:

  • They never demonstrate immediate aggression or negative reaction just because they are not in the mood;
  • Getting acquainted and breaking the ice is effortless, and you'll have no trouble approaching a girl you fancy even if she's accompanied by friends;
  • You'll never experience any tension while talking thanks to the inborn empathy of Canadian cuties;
  • Single Canadian ladies are very helpful and thoughtful and are always ready to offer help or useful advice;
  • A partner from Canada is always ready for a conversation about a problem, and you'll never feel depressed while being partners and lovers;
  • Native Canadians are honest, loveable, and forgiving.

It looks like beautiful Canadian ladies are flawless as wives and partners. There is one more prominent aspect concerning sexy Canadian women dating. They are always straightforward about their wishes in regular life and the bedroom. She won't beat around the bush while talking about anything, starting from the household problems and finishing with the troubles one of you might have at work. They rarely use any metaphors when an urgent question is under discussion. A partnership like this is like a true and long-lasting friendship, a relationship between two people respecting each other's needs and feelings.

Thankfully, their straightforward nature does not make them harsh. They are sensitive, emotional, and cute. Their sensitivity and intuition make incredible things for positive communication. You'll always be surrounded by an atmosphere of comfort and emotional stability. These women bring up their kids intelligent and self-confident people, responsible for their solutions.

Additionally, pretty Canadian ladies are very purposeful. Their healthy ambitions help them get through numerous life troubles. Regardless of anything, they know how to concentrate on the essential things. Their stubbornness can become a burden for some insecure men. The thing is that she will always get straight to her aim, regardless of the support in the family. She never needs anyone's opinion while planning her future. Of course, her beloved one, as well as her kids, always make up an essential part of her life. But she will never sacrifice her dreams to satisfy the needs of her family. She knows how to combine her household duties, professional responsibilities, and emotional contact with the nearest and dearest.

Can we recommend dating attractive Canadian ladies? Well, they are perfect partners for men with ambitions. It's hard to charm them with appealing pictures and a seductive exterior if you have nothing precious and emotionally valuable to share in return. In general, these ladies are thoughtful, sensible, sympathetic, and true to what they say.

Now let's have a look at the differences between Canadian and American girls.

Dating a Canadian Woman: Background & Mindset

Dating a Canadian Woman

Many men say that Canadian cuties are like good sisters of the Americans. American people are believed to be more willful and bratty. However, it's merely a stereotype rarely accepted by anyone who's been in a relationship with a Canadian or an American woman.

Equality for the Canadians Is a Must

Single Canadian ladies want all family members to have an even share of responsibilities. All financial expenses, as well as all efforts to sustain the household, should be evenly split with a lady like this. She will not get ready to marry a man unable to work and gain as much as she can. If she's a highly-professional specialist with a degree, surrounded by people of the same social and professional circle, she will hardly pay attention to a low-skilled construction worker. Unequal marriages are more common for Americans. Canadian girls prefer coupling with the same emotional, spiritual, and financial views on life.

Independence Is Their Religion

Canadian beauties tend to become independent at an early age and during Canadian women dating. They understand that their independence makes them more valuable and appealing to successful men. Autonomy is crucial for them. A sexy woman will never give birth to children and get married unless she understands she can live independently. She does not want to depend on both her partner and her parents. She regards marriage as a partnership of two reasonable people. Canadian girls want to devote themselves emotionally to the family and not get distracted by the potential financial troubles. You shouldn't think that the Canadians regard the relationship as something potentially valuable and more convenient. They are classier and more reasonable in comparison to the majority of young Americans living together merely because it's cheaper.

They Seek for Attention

Women from Canada are not merely practical. Canadian girls also search for romance, intimate conversations, and male attention. Canadian and American women have different conceptions of romance and attention. Canadian people think that their men deserve respect for all kinds of attention. Even a small little snack accidentally bought in the grocery store can become an enjoyable surprise. A woman understands that a man working hard towards mutual wealth and happiness does not have too much time for the arrangement of special occasions and surprises. That's the reason why she cares for all the tiny gifts and gestures that a man gives during Canadian women dating.

American women are not as democratic and understanding as Canadians. They are more interested in high-end dates with expensive entertainments and presents. Of course, it's not the universal rule, but many single men dating American and Canadian cuties say that the Americans are more concentrated on material things.

They Are Very Polite

The Canadians are considered very polite when it comes to Canadian women dating, which is observed in the American jokes about it. Sometimes, a Canadian girlfriend is over-polite. A Canadian lady will never say anything harsh without thinking about it twice. Even if something negative is going on in her mind, she will never let herself speak out until she understands it's a reasonable thing to say. This lady will never let herself make you mad because she understands that any aggression in a relationship is fruitless. That's the reason why she will never let herself get involved in an argument anywhere in public – it merely does not make sense for her.

Besides, Canadian people avoid excessive drama. A Canadian girlfriend is not as excessively emotional as her American counterparts. Also, these single ladies in Canada try hard to avoid uncomfortable situations, so it will be comfortable to date Canadian women. They hate conflicts and tend to ignore them at all costs.

Of course, all this does not mean that the Canadians are a saint. Some of the young girls here are not as patient and reasonable as the older generation. They cannot stay within the borders of the stereotype established by the travelers. They are not weird. They are regular women interested in the same things as most single women all over the planet.

How to date Canadian woman? Be a gentleman. She will never accept a man who is rude to her. If you are impolite and behave inappropriately, she will be straightforward about her thoughts. She will never keep her thoughts and worries in secret. The only case when she lets herself keep silent is being in public. She will never start an argument with a man while being surrounded by other people.

Once you fail her trust and make her irritated when you date Canadian women, you become a 'red flag' for her. She's interested in being next to a trustworthy man who knows how to control his emotions and behave wisely in everyday life.

Sex with Canadian Women: Things to Expect

Sex with Canadian Women

When you are dating Canadian woman, you'll be amazed at how much energy you can experience from a woman like this. She is hungry for sex day and night if she lives next to a partner who respects her and makes her feel emotionally calm.

She's very natural about many things in life and regards sex as a crucial activity for every healthy human being. It's a part of her life. They are sure that sex significantly affects the activity of the brain and adds up to the everyday flow of energy.

Canadian women dating can be very straightforward about their sexual needs and their expectations from the potential partner. Dating Canadian women means being ready to show off a bit of your sassy nature and readiness to be a leader in the bedroom.

Yes, they are fond of romance and intimacy when you are dating Canadian woman. And yeah, they do not regard sex as routine. It's a pleasure provided by nature, free of charge. Why should anyone ignore this fact? Even if it's a girl for a one-night stand, you'll never forget this date and night.

Canadian Women VS American Women: Common Traits & Differences

Canadian Women VS American Women

  • American girls are driven by the so-called 'American Dream'. It's a very big wish connected with a lavish lifestyle. Partying and having fun are important when you are dating a Canadian girl, as well as having regular cash for things she finds crucial in everyday life, regardless of how essential they are.
  • Canadian women are more patient. They feel irritated while being a part of a noisy company at the party. Besides, they are very respectful to people regardless of their first impression of them. Even if they attend an event they don't like, they never show their attitude to the guests.
  • There are many vegan women in the USA. Being a vegan is now considered a counter-cultural trend. The generation of millennials is trying hard to beat the myth concerning fat Americans. Their addiction to healthy living seems too obsessive. Of course, we have no right to blame American women for this characteristic trait. Being a vegan is cool and shows the incredible persistence of the locals. Nevertheless, a man having no idea what American culture is should be prepared for a significant number of vegan and vegetarian Americans within the social circle.
  • Canadian women are not concentrated on healthy eating habits. No, it's not that bad when you are dating a Canadian girl, there's a wide range of stores in Canada selling cost-effective products destined to make the locals healthy and fit. You'll rarely meet a vegan here unless she suffers from lactose intolerance. Canadian women are more concentrated on comfortable living with a reasonable amount of sport and rational everyday eating habits. Only 1 out of every 10 women in Canada is vegan.
  • Disney cartoons seriously affect American women's vision of life. This lady is waiting for a prince charming, a powerful knight able to change her life for the best through a couple of heroic deeds. An American woman is searching for an ideal fit.
  • Canadian women don't search for perfection in a relationship. They are very relaxed about the vision of a potential partner. Of course, this man should be independent and self-confident. Besides, he should have a certain aim to stick to. These ladies are easily approachable, and there's no need in winning their hearts through heroic deeds because they are more down-to-earth.

More Things to Know About Canadian Women

About Canadian Women

What Are the Best Places to Meet Women from Canada?

How to date a Canadian woman? Get to the local bar or club. Canadian women find it comfortable getting acquainted with single men in such an atmosphere. They are more relaxed in matters of communication with strangers, and having a couple of drinks with the one in a bar is acceptable for them. In most cases, a Canadian lady does not establish any age limits. Offer this single lady a drink at the bar or a coffee with a snack merely to start a conversation. Online dating is also popular in Canada. How to date a Canadian woman? Feel free to go online and get in touch with as many Canadian women as you want. Just remember they are open-minded and straightforward. Be prepared to coincide.

Do They Have High Demands?

American women do have excessively high demands compared with dating a Canadian woman. They were raised within the standards of Disney princesses who were merely waiting for their princes doing almost nothing for getting happy. They want to feel very significant and important in a marriage. They are waiting for the expensive gifts and impressive gestures. Canadian women understand that a family cannot be formed while you're waiting for a prince charming. They try hard to gain independence when you are dating a Canadian woman and learn how to live on their own before stepping into a relationship and getting married. A Canadian girl is sure that financial capabilities are obligatory, but it's not because of their practical nature. They merely have no wish to concentrate on financial issues while building the partnership and upbringing the kids.

What Is Their Vision of Feminism?

Dating Canadian girls is related with modern tendencies. Well, as soon as feminism is getting more and more popular, the number of feminists in Canada is growing. Nevertheless, these ladies are very reasonable, and the only thing they are interested in is "gender equality". They don't regard women as prevailing human beings. They are not fragile little girls unable to stand for their rights. They are looking for partners ready to be equal in a relationship as much as it is possible. A woman like this is ready to work and earn as much as a man does. Besides, she's ready to develop and be strong in a relationship. Not stronger than you are, but strong enough to be an independent mother and a purposeful human being.

What Should You Remember About Canadian Women?

What Should You Remember About Canadian Women

  • They are fond of warm clothes and sweaters. Some of them have a collection of sweaters in the closet, so when you meet Canadian women, you should know about the best gifts for them during dating Canadian girls.
  • They have celebrations uncommon for the European and American people. Canada Day, Victoria Day, Family Day, and Canadian Thanksgiving are highly important to them.
  • The Canadians seem to chill a lot more than their American neighbors. Probably, it's connected with the cold climate, when most of the time has to be spent at home or in the office.
Last update: 06/05/2024