Single Victoriya 18 y.o., from Kharkov ID 550397

About Myself
If it's about active recreation and a positive mood, then it's always about me) I like to enjoy life and take whatever brings me joy. I think that life is given to us precisely in order to realize ourselves and to know, as well as to find our soulmate, that is, love. Then you can actually get a taste of life. I only need one thing for this - a life partner, that's why I'm here - in search of my love.
I am quite an open person for my loved ones, I like to share emotions and feelings, explore the world and move forward, look for myself and enjoy every new day. Whatever happens, I try to be on the positive wave and it always helps me in all my affairs. I am sure that life is capable of giving us everything we would like, we just need to believe in it with all our heart and wish it sincerely. Well, I sincerely dream of finding love and a serious relationship in which I will be happy and be able to be myself.
swimming, ride bike, listnen music, dancing
MoreAbout Partner (age 18 - 80)
Whatever happens in life, there is nothing more important than true love. She is able to change everything and even the world for the better) Don't you think so? After all, if love lives in the heart, this feeling gives us so much - wings that allow us to fly over the everyday hustle and bustle, strength to overcome a huge number of difficulties, the opportunity and inspiration to create and create, only love is able to give the world a new life and that's fine.
I sincerely want to find my soul mate, go through life together, holding hands and not being afraid of anything, just create my own ideal world around me and enjoy every moment. I want to spend a lot of time together, share what brings joy and sadness together, go forward and become happy, love each other every new day and look into each other's eyes again as for the first time.
I'm really looking forward to a man who will give me such feelings.