Single Maria 39 y.o., from Dnepr ID 365537

Home Business
Marital Status
166 cm
56 kg
Hair Color
Hair Style
Eyes Color
Body Type
(Gemini 30 May 1985
Level of English

About Myself

I'm Masha from Dnipro. I'm an accountant by education, working in the tourism company. I adore traveling, discovering new beautiful places each time. Do you enjoy traveling? What do you usually do on weekends?
I spend my time actively: walking around, exploring the city, cooking. How do you relax? What are your hobbies?
Family is my strong support. We often gather together. How about your family?
Understanding and support are essential to me. What's important for you in a partner?
I'd love to know more about you and your interests. Let's start getting acquainted!



Cooking is more than just a hobby for me; it's a passion that allows me to express my creativity and bring joy to others through delicious dishes. Whether it's experimenting with new recipes or perfecting old favorites, the kitchen is where I feel most at home. Aside from cooking, I find solace in the practice of yoga. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of city life, yoga serves as my sanctuary, helping me to unwind, find balance, and reconnect with myself on a deeper level.
When it comes to leisure activities, spending quality time with my girlfriends is always a highlight. Whether we're catching up over coffee, exploring new places in the city, or enjoying a cozy night in, the camaraderie and laughter we share are priceless. How about you? How do you like to unwind and spend time with your friends?
In addition to cooking and yoga, I'm always eager to explore new hobbies and interests. Whether it's trying out a new recipe from a different cuisine or mastering a challenging yoga pose, I thrive on the excitement of learning and growth. Do you have any hobbies or passions that you enjoy immersing yourself in? Let's swap stories and share our experiences!


About Partner (age 30 - 70)

In a relationship, I value mutual respect, trust, and open communication above all else. It's important for me to feel understood and appreciated by my partner, and I strive to reciprocate those feelings. I believe in supporting each other through both the good times and the challenges life may throw our way, building a strong foundation of trust and companionship.
When it comes to qualities in a partner, I value kindness, compassion, and empathy. Someone who is caring, considerate, and genuinely interested in my well-being is incredibly important to me. I also appreciate a sense of humor and an adventurous spirit, someone who is willing to explore new experiences and make the most out of life's adventures together.
Ultimately, I'm seeking a relationship where we can share common interests, support each other's dreams and aspirations, and create lasting memories filled with love, laughter, and happiness. What about you? What qualities do you prioritize in a partner?
